Hal 9000 macbook sticker
Hal 9000 macbook sticker

hal 9000 macbook sticker

hal 9000 macbook sticker

Posted in classic hacks, hardware, Peripherals Hacks Tagged buckled spring, ibm, ibm model m, keyboard, Model M, Model M Keyboard Post navigation Header Model M image: Raymangold22 (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons. If the Model M is too new for you, it’s not the only desirable IBM keyboard of yore, how about a Model F? Or give up on these newfangled electronics, and just use a typewriter.

hal 9000 macbook sticker

After all, if using your computer no longer has the power to entertain, what’s the point? But we know some of you won’t be able to help it, and will spend the next few days gleefully clacking away from your MacBook Airs until you get bored with it. And all your colleagues will hate you for it. Yes, it’s gloriously silly, we’ll grant you that.


Install it on your Linux box, your Mac, or your WIndows PC, and relive the classic sound of the 1980s as you type! So if you are a Model M enthusiast and you miss the characteristic clack of high-speed buckled-spring typing on your modern-day laptop, what’s to be done? Fortunately has the answer, in the form of bucklespring, an IBM Model M sound emulator. Its famous buckled-spring switches have a very positive action and a unique sound that once heard can never be forgotten. And one of the more famous of these old keyboards is the IBM Model M, a 1984 introduction from the computer behemoth that remains in production to this day. Shaddim, via Wikimedia Commons.Thus among keyboard aficionados the prized possessions are not necessarily the latest and greatest, but can often be the input devices of yesteryear. In fact it might be worse than the older peripheral, because its switches are likely to be more cheaply made. Or at least, in theory it will be identical. It may weigh less, its controller may be less power-hungry, and its interface will be different, but the typing experience is substantially identical. The keyboard you type on today will not be significantly different to the one in front of your predecessor from the 1970s. There is one aspect of desktop computing in which there has been surprisingly little progress over the years.

Hal 9000 macbook sticker